Thursday, December 20, 2012

A Journey To Portugal Reviewed With Island Trader Vacations

Barcelos is located in the Braga district in the north of Portugal. The Braga district is home to 89 parishes throughout this district.  Barcelos is well known for its Festas das Cruzes, the Festival of Crosses, which dates back to the early 16th century.

The festival originated in the observance of the Lord of the Cross.  The story is told that the local cobbler Joao Pires was walking home from mass at the Chapel of the Savior one Saturday and he observed what appeared to be a black cross in the earth. This inspired the devotion to the cross.  The devotion was recognized in a temple that was then built nearly 2 centuries later, and this is the temple that is still the epi-center of the Festas das Cruzes.

Up until the 19th century, the parties that surrounded the Festas das Cruzes were primarily religious in nature.  Hundreds of people from the surrounding region would make the pilgrimage to Barcelos in honor of this festival.  In the 20th century the festival evolved into more of an actual festival.  There were fireworks and parades, as well as tournaments and horse racing.  Although the festival was still religious in nature it became more fun, and less staid and serious. The festival has long been a pretext for people in surrounding areas to meet up and do business, as their parishes are far apart from one another.  The festival has also long held a premise as a place of promise. A place to have innocent flirtations for the young, and for those that are a little bit older it is an opportunity for these flirtations to turn to dating and then marriage. The festival has long been a matchmaker.  If you are traveling in the area, and even if you are not religious, this festival gives you the opportunity to take part in a centuries old festival and one of the unique aspects of the culture of the area.

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